November 2021

HLN: Civil parties cautiously positive about first day of pleadings in PFOS case: “Unless Lantis pulls a rabbit out of his hat”

Today, the first hearing in the court of first instance will start regarding the environmental strike procedure that six civil parties and Greenpeace are initiating against Lantis. They are requesting precautionary measures against the PFOS-contaminated soil at the Oosterweel works. Environmental activist Thomas 'De Kat' Goorden was already cautious before the hearing

HLN: Civil parties cautiously positive about first day of pleadings in PFOS case: “Unless Lantis pulls a rabbit out of his hat” Read More »

HEAL & Fundamental Rights: letter to the federal government

Dear Mayor,
Dear members of the city council,
Dear members of the municipal council,
We are writing this letter to you on behalf of an ever-growing group of concerned residents of Antwerp, the beautiful city that we have entrusted to you with complete confidence. We are writing to you because we are concerned about the pollution of our city with PFOS and the consequences for the health of all Antwerp residents. But we are writing to you mainly because we have the impression that at 't Schoon Verdiep, in contrast to outside, there is still no sense of urgency about this problem. Seen from the left bank, it remains quiet on the other side, and so we feel abandoned.

HEAL & Fundamental Rights: letter to the federal government Read More »

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