Fundamental right: introduction to environmental injunction proceedings

12.08.2021 | Fundamental right
Grondrecht, Thomas Goorden and Greenpeace are suing Lantis in the context of the PFOS pollution. This morning our lawsuit was initiated.

In addition to Lantis and the Rinkoniën construction group, to our surprise we were also confronted by 3M, the Flemish Region, the city of Antwerp and the municipality of Zwijndrecht.
Due to the large number of intervening parties, the judge decided to only start pleading the case on November 25 (!).

We are faced with an army of lawyers trying to bury us under piles of files and expensive procedures. Fundamental rights as David against Goliath.

But as Antwerp residents we are used to fighting giants.
We remain combative and count on your support!

Support us in our legal battle through the PFOndS!

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