
HLN: Civil parties cautiously positive about first day of pleadings in PFOS case: “Unless Lantis pulls a rabbit out of his hat”

Today, the first hearing in the court of first instance will start regarding the environmental strike procedure that six civil parties and Greenpeace are initiating against Lantis. They are requesting precautionary measures against the PFOS-contaminated soil at the Oosterweel works. Environmental activist Thomas 'De Kat' Goorden was already cautious before the hearing

HLN: Civil parties cautiously positive about first day of pleadings in PFOS case: “Unless Lantis pulls a rabbit out of his hat” Read More »

Nieuwsblad: “The hearing was a circus”: Grondrecht's lawsuit against Lantis over PFOS pollution only heard at the end of November

The judge is not imposing any interim measures on Lantis, the developer of Oosterweel. Citizens' initiative Grondrecht, environmental activist Thomas Goorden and Greenpeace summoned Lantis in the context of the PFOS pollution. The lawsuit was initiated this morning. The judge decided to dismiss the case

Nieuwsblad: “The hearing was a circus”: Grondrecht's lawsuit against Lantis over PFOS pollution only heard at the end of November Read More »

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