3M submits new phased soil remediation project for residential and recreational area zone 1b and 2 of Zwijndrecht and Beveren

26.10.2024 | Fundamental right

New phased soil remediation project by 3M for residential and recreational area zone 1b and 2 of Zwijndrecht and Beveren

On October 15, 2024, 3M Belgium submitted a new and amended phased soil remediation project to OVAM for the residential area in Zwijndrecht and Beveren.

New phased soil remediation project by 3M for residential and recreational area zone 1b and 2 of Zwijndrecht and Beveren

On October 15, 2024, 3M Belgium submitted an amended, phased soil remediation project for the residential area in Zwijndrecht and Beveren. This project is a result of necessity: previous soil remediation plans, such as the soil remediation project submitted to OVAM (Public Waste Agency of Flanders) on April 30, 2024, were not approved. With this amended approach, 3M Belgium is still trying to meet OVAM's requirements and guidelines to effectively tackle the serious PFAS contamination in the area.

Reason for the soil remediation project

The soil contamination around the 3M site has a long history. After years of concern about environmental pollution, a series of descriptive soil surveys were carried out in 2022 and 2023 to determine the extent of the PFAS contamination. On 29 December 2023, the overarching descriptive soil survey was submitted to OVAM. This showed that the soil contamination is so serious that it poses a real threat to the public health of residents in the surrounding residential areas.

The PFAS concentrations in the soil and groundwater are so high that residents in this area are exposed to harmful substances for a long time. This was the reason for OVAM to officially instruct 3M Belgium on 20 February 2024 to draw up a soil remediation project. The main objective of this soil remediation project is to reduce the risks to both our living environment and public health.

The phased approach

The modified soil remediation project that is now on the table has a phased approach. This means that the remediation will be carried out in steps, focusing on the specific levels of contamination and the risks associated with it. This project specifically concerns the solid part of the soil, with special attention to the human health risks. In this first phase, the team of soil remediation experts will determine in detail which remediation measures are most suitable and how these can be carried out safely and effectively.

The way forward: How will OVAM decide?

OVAM will assess the modified soil remediation project based on strict environmental and health criteria. The plan must not only indicate how 3M intends to tackle the contamination in concrete terms, but also how the remediation can be carried out in phases and responsibly without further risks for the residents. OVAM's assessment will be decisive for the future of the remediation operation, and ultimately for our public health and the living environment of the people in Zwijndrecht and Beveren. 

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