Climaxi and Grondrecht appeal against 3M discharge standards in Scheldt

14.10.2024 | Fundamental right

Climaxi and Grondrecht appeal against 3M discharge standards in Scheldt

Climaxi and Grondrecht have filed a suspensive appeal with the Flemish government against the recently adjusted discharge standards for TFA and other ultra-short chain PFAS from 3M in Zwijndrecht.

These standards allow the company to discharge huge quantities of ultra-short chain PFAS into the Scheldt”, say Katrin Van den Troost and Show Pens. “Recent research shows that up to 98% of the total PFAS concentrations in drinking water sources come from ultra-short chain PFAS. Any additional discharge therefore poses an unacceptable risk to water quality and public health. What is the point of pumping up contaminated groundwater from the ground and then discharging it into the Scheldt, still heavily polluted?

3M wants to pump up its own ultra-short-chain PFAS contamination in the groundwater on their site, outside of any soil remediation, and discharge it into the Scheldt. Without a serious impact assessment, 3M is still awarded sky-high discharge standards: 15,000 ng/l for TFA and 21,000 ng/l for PFPrASuch transfer of groundwater pollution to the Scheldt and Western Scheldt is in flagrant conflict with the Water Framework Directive.

Climax and Fundamental right went to the municipal council in Zwijndrecht at the end of September to ask for more attention for the PFAS scandal. "The municipal council itself gave a positive advice about the new discharge standards of 3M", it sounds. "They do follow the reasoning that the PFAS pool is full, but that according to them there is no other option. According to 3M there are no feasible alternatives to purify the pumped groundwater more thoroughly than the requested standards. Climax and Fundamental right do not share that opinion. 3M has long known about the enormous pollution and has piled up a lot of profits. The company has enough money to clean up its pollution and not just move it.

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