de Volkskrant: Polluted soil in Flanders: there may be poison in the eggs, but they are very tasty

Researchers have known for years that there were huge quantities of the toxic substance pfos (from the pfas category) in the soil near the Flemish Zwijndrecht, but the government never raised the alarm. Now there is an uproar, but not all residents are impressed. 'It's a waste to throw away all those eggs.'
18.06.2021 | de Vlokskrant Sacha Kester
Mieke Windey vraagt zich af of zij wel met haar zoontje op de Linkeroever, in de buurt van Zwijndrecht, moet blijven wonen. Beeld Marcel van den Bergh
photo Marcel van den Bergh: Mieke Windey wonders whether she should continue to live with her son on the Left Bank, near Zwijndrecht.

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