DS: 'No, we do not want to boycott Oosterweel'

A collective around Grondrecht presents its view on the clean-up at 3M in a vision statement. Common thread: transparent cooperation. 'We want a summary in plain language for all new reports.'

05.02.2022 | DS

Read the full article in the newspaper…

“Use the pressure to #Oosterweel not to be allowed to get bogged down as a lever to first and foremost make progress with:

  • a substantiated #PFAS remediation plan for the wider area surrounding the #3M factory
  • a scientifically correct framework of standards.

And what didn't make it into the article, but dear Zuhal Demir and Lydia Peeters, please ensure at all costs that the Oosterweel works do NOT endanger the health of local residents AND the legal liability of polluter 3M.

Our call today in De Standaard. Fundamental right Thomas Goorden Greenpeace Belgium Bond Beter Leefmilieu.

Read our vision statement here

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