20.03.2022 | PFAS FORUM

Fundamental right would like to invite you to the PFAS forum on Sunday, March 20, 2022 in the Tin factory in Hoboken.

An information afternoon where we come together to share our expertise, experiences and strategies regarding the PFAS problem with you.
There will be experts present who will provide more information about their field of expertise in working groups and to whom you can ask your questions directly:

  • science
    • Prof. Jacob de Boer (Free University of Amsterdam) – PFAS expert and environmental chemist, research into PFAS pollution Dordrecht, the Netherlands
    • Prof. Lieven Bervoets (University of Antwerp) – PFAS expert and biologist, research PFAS in eggs and vegetables environment 3M
  • legal
    • Master Audrey Baeyens (VUB): lawyer for Grondrecht, Greenpeace and Thomas Goorden, environmental injunction and summons 3M
    • Isabelle Larmuseau (KUL): lawyer and expert in environmental and spatial law.
  • organizing actions
  • fundamental right
    • Of course, the members of Grondrecht will be present to answer your questions and listen to your stories.


13:15welcome speech
13:30 – 14:20first round
14:30 – 15:20second round
15:30 – 16:20third round
16:20 – 17:30networking moment


Register your participation without obligation.
Next to this you will find the registration form. Please indicate which working groups you want to participate in.
PFAS forum registration form
first round: 13:30 – 14:20
I participate in the above working group.
second round: 14:30 – 15:20
I participate in the above working group.
third round: 15:30 – 16:20
I participate in the above working group.
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